Career Services » Career Services

Career Services

Prairie Valley SD Career Education Website

  • Parents’ Role in Career Planning
  • The Career Planning Process
  • The High Five Principles


Looking At The Facts
  • Saskatchewan Education High School Credit Requirements
  • High School Graduation Plan
  • Extra Credit Options
  • Parent/Student Access to HomeLogic


Looking Within
  • Career Cruising
  • Career Portfolio Development
  • Self-Assessment Inventories
  • Essential Skills
  • Employable Skills


Looking At Strengths
    • The Job Search

Stage One: Prepare a Resume and Cover Letter
Stage Two: Conduct a Job Search
Stage Three: Prepare for a Job Interview

  • Annual “Local” Career/Job Fairs
  • Campus Visits/Open Houses/Tours
  • Labour Market Information (LMI)
  • University/College
  • Institute of Applied Science & Technology
  • Regional Colleges
  • Private Schools
  • Aboriginal Post-Secondary Institutions​
  • Travel & Enrichment Programs
  • Public Service Careers
  • Apprenticeship
  • Work Force


Looking At Funding
  • Sources of Funding
  • Student Savings
  • Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)
  • Government Student Loans
  • Scholarships/Bursaries


Looking To The Future
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements/Resources

Contact Information

​Jesse Gheyssen
Phone:  306-334-2520
Email: [email protected]

  • To assist students in their selection of course, program, and timetables
  • To confirm eligibility of graduation
  • To provide information on post-secondary educational institutions
  • To provide all necessary scholarship, bursary, and awards information